Home Releases 2021, №3 (57)

Organization of Individual and Collective Students Work in a Foreign Language Studies at the University with ICT

Innovative Pedagogical Technologies in Education , UDC: 372.881.111.1, 38.00.13 DOI: 10.25688/2072-9014.2021.57.3.08


  • Agaltsova Darya Vladislavovna PhD (Pedagogy)
  • Valkova Yulia Evegenevna PhD (Pedagogy)


This article examines the possibilities of information and communication technologies for organizing collective and individual work of students for foreign language classes in higher educational institutions. The authors give a comparative analysis of ready-made digital resources, identify opportunities for monitoring and evaluating the students' progress. The article describes a practical interdisciplinary project — creation of websites by third-year economics students. For the topic studied students created special videos, timelines, glossaries, mental maps, infographics, surveys and other multimedia content to place it on their site. It is concluded that such project work is effective in forming hard and soft skills as well as in improving students' motivation.

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Agaltsova, D. V. & Valkova, Y. E. (2021). Organization of Individual and Collective Students Work in a Foreign Language Studies at the University with ICT Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2021, №3 (57), 61-71. https://doi.org/10.25688/2072-9014.2021.57.3.08
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