Home Releases 2015, №2 (32)

Innovations in Teacher’s Activity in the Conditions of the New Educational Environment

Innovative Pedagogical Technologies in Education


  • Mansurov Tagir Muhtarovich Ph.D. (Pedagogy), docent, Head of Education Department of city of Makhachkala (e-mail: guo@mkala.ru).
  • Novikova Zinaida Nikolaevna Ph.D. (Engineering), head of the General and Secondary Vocational Education, Moscow City University (e-mail: zinaida0509@ gmail.com).
  • Khatayeva Roza Salimsultanovna Ph.D. (Pedagogy), docent, deputy-head of Computer Science department, Chechen State Pedagogical University (364037, Grozny, Kievskaya str., 33).

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Mansurov, T. M., Novikova, Z. N. & Khatayeva, R. S. (2015). Innovations in Teacher’s Activity in the Conditions of the New Educational Environment Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2015, №2 (32),
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