- Gevorkyan Elena Nikolaevna Doctor of Economics, full professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, the first vice-rector of Moscow City University (e-mail:
- Vedeneyeva Tatiana Pavlovna Ph.D. (History), Senior Research Fellow, Director of Scientific Information and Publishing Centre, Moscow City University (e-mail:
- Zhurbenko Konstantin Yuryevich Head of Scientific Information Department of Scientific Information and Publishing Centre, Moscow City University (e-mail:
How to link insert
Gevorkyan, E. N., Vedeneyeva, T. P. & Zhurbenko, K. Y. (2016). Information Technologies in Improving Editorial and Publishing Activity of a University Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2016, №2 (36),
Prikaz Minobrnauki Rossii № 730 ot 18 sentyabrya 2012 g. «O Mezhvedomstven-noj komissii po provedeniyu monitoringa deyatel'nosti gosudarstvenny'x obrazovatel'ny'x uchrezhdenij v celyax ocenki e'ffektivnosti ix raboty' i reorganizacii nee'ffektivny'x gosudarstvenny'x obrazovatel'ny'x uchrezhdenij» (prekratil dejstvie).
Gevorkyan E.N., Vedeneeva T.P., Zhurbenko K.Yu., PuzakovA.V. Osobennosti raz-rabotki i vnedreniya informacionno-spravochnoj sistemy' «Redakciya» v vuze // Vestnik Moskovskogo gorodskogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. Seriya «Informatika i informa-tizaciya obrazovaniya». 2012. № 23. S. 48-53.