Home Releases 2019, №4 (50)

Artificial Intelligence in the Program High School: What to Teach?

Pedagogical Informatics , UDC: 373.51+004.8 DOI: 10.25688/2072-9014.2019.50.4.04


  • Korchazhkina Olga Maksimovna PhD (Technical Sciences), senior researcher at the Institute of Cybernetics and Educational Informatics of the Federal Research Center «Informatics and Management», Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail: olgakomax@gmail.com


The article discusses the problem of creating textbooks and manuals on artificial intelligence for high school in terms of an interdisciplinary approach. Based on the analysis of manuals on artificial intelligence for University students and researchers identified the most relevant aspects of school engineering education in this area, the ways and forms of presentation to secondary school students and offered recommendations, to what extent, what content and in what courses it is advisable to teach artificial intelligence in the Russian school.

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Korchazhkina, O. M. (2019). Artificial Intelligence in the Program High School: What to Teach? Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2019, №4 (50), 29-42. https://doi.org/10.25688/2072-9014.2019.50.4.04
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