Home Releases 2016, №1 (35)

On the Features of Development Electronic Courses for Distance Learning by Teachers

Development of a Network of Open Remote Education , UDC: 378.046.4
1. Grigor'ev S.G., Grinshkun V.V. Informatizaciya obrazovaniya. Fundamental'ny'e os-novy': uchebnik dlya studentov pedvuzov i slushatelej sistemy' povy'sheniya kvalifikacii peda-gogov. M.: MGPU, 2005. 231 s.
2. Kanavo V. Metodicheskie rekomendacii po sozdaniyu kursa distancionnogo obuche­niya cherez internet // Biznes-obrazovanie v Rossii. URL: http://www.curator.ru /method.html
3. Polat E.S, Moiseeva M.V., Petrov A.E. Pedagogicheskie texnologii distancionnogo obu­cheniya. M.: Akademiya, 2006. 400 s.
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