Home Releases 2015, №1 (31)

Model of Information and Analytical System of Data Processing of Small Innovative Enterprises at Universities

Management of Educational Organizations


  • Pavlicheva Elena Nikolaevna Ph.D. (Engineering), docent, Applied Computer Science department, Institute of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences, Moscow City Teacher Traning University (e-mail: enpav@rambler.ru).
  • Morozova Taisiya Viktorovna Master student, Department of Applied Computer Science, Institute of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences, Moscow City Teacher Traning University (e-mail: morozovatasya@yandex.ru).
  • Fedin Fedor Olegovich Ph.D. (Military Science), docent, deputy head of Applied Computer Science department, Institute of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences, Moscow City Teacher Traning University (e-mail: nidef@mail.ru).

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Pavlicheva, E. N., Morozova, T. V. & Fedin, F. O. (2015). Model of Information and Analytical System of Data Processing of Small Innovative Enterprises at Universities Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2015, №1 (31),
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