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Innovative Pedagogical Technologies in Education , UDC: 373 DOI: 10.25688/2072-9014.2024.67.1.12


  • Yarmakhov Boris B. Candidate of Philosophical Science, Associate Professor
  • Zaitsev Alexey Ivanovich Doctor of Philosophy


The article presents the results of a study focussing the effectiveness of adaptive learning systems in preparing high school students for State Examinations in mathematics. The sample included 4012 students from 19 regions of the Russian Federation who took part in the project “Preparing for the State Examination with Artificial Intelligence” in 2023. Cohen’s Kappa coefficient was used as the main tool for assessing effectiveness for the control and experimental samples, calculated on the digital footprint data collected on the adaptive learning platform. The analysis showed that the systematic use of the adaptive learning platform in preparing students for taking the State Examination in Mathematics gives a stable increase in scores, calculated by the difference between the results of the trial and final State Examination. The effect size of using the adaptive learning system for students when preparing to take the Unified State Examination was 0.21 points, for the basic Unified State Examination — 0.25, and for the specialized Unified State Examination — 0.15 points. Thus, the assumption that the effectiveness of the adaptive learning system can be assessed based on the Cohen’s Kappa coefficient based on the material of final state exams was confirmed.

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Yarmakhov, B. B. & Zaitsev, A. I. (2024). ASSESSING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF AN ADAPTIVE LEARNING SYSTEM IN PREPARING HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS FOR STATE EXAMINATIONS IN MATHEMATICS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 1 (67), 124. https://doi.org/10.25688/2072-9014.2024.67.1.12
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