Home Releases 2023, №2 (64)


Pedagogical Informatics , UDC: 373 DOI: 10.25688/2072-9014.2023.64.2.03


  • Lvov Aleksey Yu.
  • Grigoriev Sergey G. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


The article discusses the possible aspects of using an anthropomorphic robot in the education system as an assistant. The authors suggest ways to improve the technical and software components, determined by the specifics of the educational process, as well as the current state of scientific and technological progress.

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Lvov, A. Y. & Grigoriev, S. G. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF ANTHROPOMORPHIC ROBOTS FOR EDUCATIONAL APPLICATIONS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №2 (64), 32. https://doi.org/10.25688/2072-9014.2023.64.2.03
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