- Romashkova Oxana N. Doctor of Technical Sciences, full professor
- Kapterev Andrey Igorevich Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Full Professor
The relevance of the research problem is due to the growing impact of threats to information security to the effective and sustainable functioning of university information
systems. Modern information systems have a rather complex object structure, and also assume the versatility of the concepts of information security. The purpose of the study is to identify threats to information security present in the information systems of universities. Research objectives: 1) analyze four categories of these threats; 2) identify potential risks; 3) to propose a model of a potential violator of the information security system of the university; 4) on the basis of the constructed model to propose countermeasures that reduce risks to acceptable levels.
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Romashkova, O. N. & Kapterev, A. I. (2023). ANALYSIS OF THREATS AND RISKS OF INFORMATION SECURITY AT THE UNIVERSITY Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", , 37.
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