Home Releases 2015, №2 (32)

Using Innovative Approaches to the Assessment of Results of Training in Preparing Future Teachers of Computer Science

Informatics. The Theory and Methods of Teaching Informatics
1. Bazhenova S.A. Portfolio studenta pedagogicheskogo vuza // Sbornik nauchny’x trudov Vserossijskogo foruma pedagogicheskogo masterstva. T. 1. M., 2013. S. 92–96.
2. Levchenko I.V. Ispol’zovanie aktivny’x metodov pri obuchenii budushhix prepodavatelej informatiki // Vestnik Rossijskogo universiteta druzhby’ narodov. Seriya «Informatizaciya obrazovaniya». 2007. № 2–3. S. 18–22.
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