Home Releases 2017, №2 (40)

Information and Communication Technologies in the System of Teaching Chinese Hieroglific Letter: Keyboard Input and Hand Lettering2

Tribune of Young Scientists , UDC: 372.8
1. 1. Demina M.A. IKT v obuchenii ieroglificheskomu pis'mu: o realizacii opy'ta KNR // Sovremenny'e informacionny'e texnologii v obrazovanii: sbornik materialov XXVII ezhegod-noj mezhdunarodnoj konferencii-vy'stavki. Troiczk: FNTO «Bajtik», 2016. S. 75-77.
2. 2. Demina M.A. IKT kak sredstvo povy'sheniya e'ffektivnosti obucheniya kitajsko-mu ieroglificheskomu pis'mu uchashhixsya srednej shkoly': k postanovke problemy' (iz opy'ta KNR) // Info-Strategiya 2013: Obshhestvo. Gosudarstvo. Obrazovanie: sbor­nik materialov VIII mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Samara: Kniga, 2016. S.348-351.
3. 3. Sanzhiev B.N. Kitajskoe ieroglificheskoe pis'mo i asimmetriya fiinkcij mozga // Obshhestvo i gosudarstvo v Kitae: materialy' XXXII nauchnoj konferencii. M.: Vost. lit., 2002. S.180-186.
4. 4. Berninger V.W. Educating Students in the Computer Age to Be Multilingual by Hand. Commentaries. National Association of State Boards of Education, 2013. 19 (1). P. 1-4.
5. 5. DeminaM. Advantages of Using ICTs in Chinese Language Teaching and Learning Processes. Chairman of editorial board: V. Anikina. Chief editor: A. Yanishevskaya, Methods of Teaching Oriental Languages Actual Problems of Teaching Translation: III-rd International conference proceedings (Moscow, NRU HSE, October 27-28, 2015). Moscow, Grifon, 2015. P. 96-103.
6. 6. Longcamp M. Remembering the orientation of newly learned characters depends on the associated writing knowledge: a comparison between handwriting and typing / M. Longcamp, C. Boucard, J.-C. Gilhodes, J.-L. Velay. Human Movement Science, 2006. 25 (4-5). P. 646-656.
7. 7. McGinnis S. Student attitudes and approaches in the learning of written Chinese. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Long Beach, CA. 1995.
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