Home Releases 2021, №4 (58)

Expanding the Functionality of Electronic Educational Resources Using the Example of the FireTest Program

Electronic Means of Support of Education , UDC: 378 DOI: 10.25688/2072-9014.2021.58.4.06


  • Bulgakov Vladislav Vasilyevich Associate Professor, PhD (Technical Sciences)


The article deals with the issue of operation and modernization of digital educational resources, related to the expansion of their functionality and improvement of ergonomic qualities. On the example of the automated training program, control and analysis of the level of theoretical knowledge, implemented in the educational process of the University of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the experience of its modernization is presented. The joint work of users and developers made it possible to improve the quality of theoretical training material and expand the functionality and user-friendliness of the computer program.

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Bulgakov, V. V. (2021). Expanding the Functionality of Electronic Educational Resources Using the Example of the FireTest Program Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2021, №4 (58), 48. https://doi.org/10.25688/2072-9014.2021.58.4.06
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