Home Releases 2015, №1 (31)

Using Opportunities of Social Networks in the University

Formation of Information and Educational Environment


  • Anokhina Natalia Mikhailovna PhD. (Economics), docent, deputy head of Management and State and Municipal Government department, branch of International University of Nature, Society and Man «Dubna» — Dmitrov Institute of Continuing Education (141980, Dubna, Moscow region. Str. 19 Universitetskaya, kab. 201).
  • Chesnova Elena Vladimirovna Senior lecturer, Humanities Disciplines department, Dmitrov Branch of the Russian Economic Universitynamed after G.V. Plekhanov (141800, Moscow Region, Dmitrov district, Dmitrov, st. Markova, 31a).

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Anokhina, N. M. & Chesnova, E. V. (2015). Using Opportunities of Social Networks in the University Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2015, №1 (31),
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