Home Releases 2018, №1 (43)

Informatization of Education: Experience and Understanding on the Example of Cosmonautics Museum

Didactic Aspects of Informatization of Education
1. Zaslavskaya O.Yu. Sovershenstvovanie professional'noj i upravlencheskoj kompetentnosti prepodavatelya v svyazi s vnedreniem informacionny'x texnologij // Nauka i shkola. 2006. № 3. S. 52-54.
2. 2. Klimentov V.L., Ty'rty'shny'j A.A. Muzejnaya pedagogika: tradicii i innovacii. M.: Muzej kosmonavtiki, 2014. 4 s.
3. 3. Kostina Yu.V., Gerasyutin S.A. V pomoshh' e'kskursovodu: metodicheskoe posobie. M.: Muzej kosmonavtiki, 2017. 41 c.
4. 4. Mikae'l Yan. Chat-boty' budut uchit' vashix detej // E'lektronny'j zhurnal RUSBASE. 2016. 9 sentyabrya. URL: https://rb.ru/opinion/bot-study/
5. 5. Zaslavskaya O.Yu. Components of teacher's management competency: knowledge and skills, activity, functional areas // American Journal of Pedagogy and Education. 2013. № 1. Pp. 013-015.
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